Saturday, September 30, 2006

saved by a donut

When the day is dreary and I suspect that life has not moved forward since my teenage years, I go to that coffee shop I normally wouldn't give a second glance since I prefer the beautiful, old-fashioned cafés with art on the walls or the gleaming Starbucks-type places with fascinating, exotic coffee. This coffee shop sells donuts and looks more like McDonald's, plastic on plastic, and their coffee is plainly plain and served in disposable paper cups.

But I sink my teeth into a liquorice or toffee-iced donut and is overwhelmed by sugar and syrup and the message they bring: it's ok to do what you really want sometimes instead of sticking to your healthy diet, it's good to be genuine and generous and forgive yourself and others.

Give yourself a break.

The donut shop of my despair. It's followed me through life and saved me many times.

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