Monday, October 16, 2006

my ancient Sunday angel

I know an angel. She looks old, really old actually, probably has been around for a few tough millennia. Or maybe it's just her disguise. She lives by herself in an old fisherman's house on the Island, with a little mischievous cat for company, and can be seen slowly limping across the yard on weary old legs to dig up potatoes out of the little garden plot. She has a car which she drives around to visit her friends and to go to church in town every Sunday. The only time she actually misses church is when her cat has run away, because then she is too worried to leave the Island.

Whenever I come to church, she beams her smile at me and scurries over to say hello, leaving the elderly ladies behind. She asks me how I'm doing and holds my hand or strokes my arm affectionately while we chat. No words of deep wisdom are exchanged, just the usual "how are you?" and then I get to hear what her cat has been up to lately. But such a warm, comforting feeling it brings me.

I wonder why she was sent to earth. Maybe it was only for this.


Prince K. said...

Nice to know that such people exist in this world...

That my dear PP, was an extremely clever way of grabbing attention from two gorgeous guys...
Actually, we male humans usually tend to always go for the damsels in distress...

Oh, and 18th iss my blogs b'day...whee...
also it has been officially declared {from a decree from the Prince} that it will be a:

so no give nicely writing comments in good old english..
you be giving bad english comments...

fun, it be shall...

Different Pen said...

OK, me practise already

Prince K. said...

that are good!!!!!!!
pp gooding writing you is doing...

Aruni RC said...

day the biorth of blog Kaz be the great success.

But kindly desist from over practicing.

pianopoet: maybe, just maybe, people are on earth for some purpose. And by God's grace it may be a noble purpose. I for one truly appreciate this old lady of yours.
IN a way perhaps, we all are somewhat like that. A kind word, a smile that one knows is being smiled, whatever be the miles betwixt us ... well, it does light up the spirit.
And depth and wisdom can be found more so in the grassroots than the lofty grey halls.

Different Pen said...

True words, very true. Funny how little it really takes to be somebody's angel...

Prince K. said...

Thou art invited for the ?celebration...

Aruni RC said...

yes, pianopoet. Only, isn't it also true that very few of us make that tiny effort. An angel...aren't you one? Sometimes? For someone?

Prince K. said...

The party no here...
Being felling not good...
you want chatting now?
what time there?

Prince K. said...

me are actually no working...

Prince K. said...

where you are PP?

Different Pen said...

*%¤**% Me be denied entry to beautiful Fealdamar land. Maybe server clogged with birthday well-wishers is?

Prince K. said...

Oh Drat!
That are bad....
When wake up you?
What be time difference between GMT?