Thursday, April 05, 2007

a terrorist in my home

I have a guest staying over the Easter weekend. He is very charming, extremely sociable and somewhat demanding. This morning, he woke me up at 7 am because he needed to go to the bathroom and didn't want to go alone. He won't let me go alone either.

Attempts to catch him on camera failed miserably as he is extremely fast. He always seems to be "exiting stage left". Or right. Or viciously attacking the camera.

As the pictures show, he is something furry and black who likes to demolish newspapers, towels, human toes and anything else that happens to cross his path.

Some would call him a puppy, but personally, I'm convinced he is a cross between a crocodile and the Terminator.


Prince K. said...

Hmph. Dogs.
I prefer cats.
Cats do not make a mess of the House.
Cats are more cuddly than dogs.
And cats never ever go to the bathroom along with others!

But. I must say.
The furball looks cute!

Aruni RC said...

Waaal, woof to the Termi-dog