Tuesday, May 09, 2017

detailed life plan

Go to live in my favourite city.

* Two books - The Message (Eugene H. Peterson) and The Stylist's Guide to NYC (Sibella Court). Maybe I'll bring a pocket version of Kalevala along for boring subway rides
* A humble heart, lots of love and merciful thinking
* A laptop and an observant mind
* A loyal dog
* The complete DVD set of White Collar
* A black coat, a pair of good jeans, glittery sneakers, a pencil skirt, black boots, a Nepalese hoodie, woollen socks knitted by my mother (for cold nights), a few bohemian tops, a good scarf and a hipster beanie
* Hoop earrings, sky blue nail polish, a bulky silver watch and an alluring scent
* Seven hundred songs + the lullaby my mother used to sing
* A return ticket


Aruni RC said...

coming to NYC then are we? would fit right into the hipster centers of Brooklyn.

Different Pen said...

Might be a while yet ... but yes, sounds good to me!

Aruni RC said...

now that's a plan! :D