Friday, October 16, 2020

the lost era of kissing strangers

The strangest things right now:

The closed doors, closed nations, closed faces. It used to be a comforting thought, that there were always places in the world just waiting to be experienced. I used to hate the fact that everything in my town closed down for the night. It made me feel alone. Now the whole world seems to be closed down and nobody knows for how long.

The utter paradigm shift in how we live our lives. I watch movies less than a year old and they seem to be from another century - a time when people kissed strangers, elbowed their way through crowds, laughed when somebody sneezed in somebody else's face, pressed elevator buttons without any compulsion to wash their hands afterwards.


Aruni RC said...

So, I rewatched Before Sunrise (not connected to the pandemic) and felt it was in a different Age of the World. A time when strangers would not be fiddling with their cell phones, but reading magazines while travelling in trains, and willingly distracted into conversations with strangers. Perhaps that's the reason I try to find a bit of Julie Delpy in every and any European I chat with over wine (and always, no phones!)

In other news, yes, glad as always to see your writing!

Different Pen said...

Glad to see you here, dear friend! I should rewatch Before Sunrise too, it's one of my favourite films and a part of the reason I love trains! Hope you find your Julie Delpy over there. ;)