Thursday, November 01, 2007

factory of wisdom and beauty

On a visit to my alma mater...

My old university has an entirely new campus. I stare in awe. Faithful to the city planning trend of later years, an old factory complex built in red brick has, with the help of the latest in glass and steel structures, been converted to something that manages to look brand new and ancient, airy and cosy at the same time. It looks like a place where the coveted knowledge and wisdom is readily available and just waiting to inspire you.

During my time there, only a few years ago, the classes were also held in an old factory. The only difference was that it smelled of mouldy old carpets and the faint light from the small, dirty windows had to have assistance from glaring strip lights in the ceiling. Old pipes were sticking out of the walls and the furniture was the most depressive seventies' style. No wonder I never really managed to be inspired by the wonders of literature, at least not before I had safely managed to escape from there.

But now, here, the students actually look happy. The menu in the spanking new lunch cafeteria has an English translation at last and the food even tastes good. I gorge myself on game stew. Game stew! I can only remember eating rubbery potatoes and deep-fried fish in places like this.

A sure sign I'm getting old. At least I'm not muttering about the "good old days".


Aruni RC said...

You really must be quite attached to our old uni.
DOn't really know how i'll ract when i finally leave the portals so dear of St. Xavier's. Let's see. The alumni functions generally have great food and good booze.

Lucid Darkness said...

No wonder I never really managed to be inspired by the wonders of literature, at least not before I had safely managed to escape from there.

Well, I've passed out of school and all I can say is that I am very glad thst it's a closed chapter of my life.

I love your writing. May I blogroll you?

Different Pen said...

Aruni: you may need the perspective of a few years down the road... until then, you can always enjoy the food and booze!

lucid darkness: I would be honoured!

Prince K. said...

I'll love leaving my dear "alma mater".
I hate the place, oh yes.