Monday, August 27, 2012

no country for arrogant men

This part of the country, where I was born, I may not like living here very much. I would prefer to live far away and come for long, pleasant visits and in that way preserve the romantic, nostalgic view of this little corner of the world. Its daily life gets a bit too dull for my liking. Not to mention that the pressure to fit into its mold is daunting.

But I do like the men. They may not be the best-looking or most charming - actually, they are shy and on the verge of being irritatingly humble. But if you treat them right, they are fantastic. Incredibly practical and get things done without fuss. If they can't find a job (and sometimes even if they can) they start their own little business and do it well. Genial and friendly, once you get past that initial reservation, and not above lending a stranger a helping hand. Arrogance simply doesn't exist among the men here.

And behind that quiet, humble exterior, they are quite macho. In general, they are law-abiding citizens. But if a wolf or bear (protected species here) happens to wander in from the great forests and gets too close to these men's homes, they might first apply for permission to shoot it. When the authorities deny permission, they do it anyway. And their neighbours are happy to help bury the corpse and keep their mouths shut.

1 comment:

Aruni RC said...

lol. and the best at being macho we can do in this corner of the world is help a lady change her front tyre. or stop errant traffic while she crossed.

old viking traditions still alive in your menfolk? :)