Tuesday, August 07, 2012

obey the cursor

Sitting in a darkening room surrounded by candles and a salt lamp. Looking out  over a rain-swept, stormy bay, as always enchanting in its beauty. Silence, except for the wind.

But the most beautiful thing of all, a blank screen on the laptop before me, the cursor blinking its joyful message: Start typing here!

PS. I wanted to describe the beauty of the bay by using the phrase "fifty shades of grey" because that's how it looks. But someone has RUINED that expression. And I haven't even read the damn book.


Aruni RC said...

the photograph is almost like walking into a John Constable landscape.
As for gray, who ever stops at fifty? A hundred and fifty, still counting.

Different Pen said...

Good point! A million and fifty might be more accurate.