Tuesday, December 04, 2012

how to spend a happy day in Ireland

* Go to a seaside town, preferable one huddled in the  Mourne Mountains.  Make sure you pick a time outside of the tourist season. Bring a friend.
* Walk on the beach in the sunshine.
* Find a pub of the genuine kind, with flagstone floors, a pregnant waitress and a fire roaring in the fireplace.
* Order the seafood platter and be prepared to go to gastronomic heaven.
* Have a nice drink to round it off.
* Walk back along the seafront and gasp at the starry skies stretching from horizon to horizon.
* Crawl under the duvet in a comfortable bed, in your B&B room overlooking the bay and the lighthouse that is lulling you to sleep with its calm, rhythmic pattern of light flashing across the dark sea.

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