Tuesday, August 18, 2015

cut from marble, smoother than a storm

The sea was as still as a mirror, the sunlight golden and tender on the skin. The peace of the open horizon was disturbed only by the birds flittering around me as if I wasn't even there, in their paradise. It was perfect. Perfect beauty, perfect summer.

And I had only a few precious hours to experience all this before summer was over and I had to return to the city to face another long winter. I couldn't stand the pain of knowing this. It broke my heart. So I packed my bags, gave up those few hours and left paradise early.

I have so much here in the city, I know. The sun is still tender on my skin, I can see the sea from here and it is still like a mirror. There is a warm salt lamp illuminating my safe harbour as the sky slowly darkens. I can hear the pulse of the city and the response inside me, my blood heating up for new adventures. I'm strong and free, I have a life to make the most of.

But the memory of paradise is still aching inside me.

"...so I just try to keep up with the red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart..."

(quote from "Yellow Flicker Beat" by Lorde)

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