Thursday, November 23, 2006

breathe just one more time

How astonishing it seems to me. That so many people survive an ordinary day. Survive disease, accidents, natural disasters, the evil of other people, the evil all around us, the dreariness of our little lives, the destructive obsessions of our own minds, the failure of our pathetically beating heart in the darkest hour of the night.

That even in the devil's bedroom we find a thing of beauty, something to laugh at through our tears, a human being to give a scrap of love.

That even in the hour of our death we fight with with teeth and claws and scream our last breath in a desperate will to live.

What an overwhelmingly powerful life source there must be somewhere.

"God formed Man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life."
"I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me."


Prince K. said...

We ourselves are part of God.
As one of my teachers remarked:
"God is the contractor of the building called 'World'. You can't blame the contractor if something goes wrong with it can you?"
It fits here.

forgiveness...acceptance... never fits in this dreary world.

Yes, the beach is long isn't it?
The main part is called 'Marina Beach'...

I am totally in awe of deep space.

Different Pen said...

God is the contractor... intriguing idea! I think I like it!

Forgiveness and acceptance never fits in, no. But is perhaps necessary for the survival of civilisation.

Different Pen said...

... and also, forgiveness is so refreshing precisely because it is out of this world.

Prince K. said...

True, its never a part of our world is it?
I like your comments a lot, make me reflect more deeply on what I've written.
It will be great if someone shows you the steps all the way. Maybe we keep on hoping for that Entity to come and help us, don't we PP?

Aruni RC said...

Indeed. If a habitual latecomer may venture, pianopoet:
God is as we see Him to be. And may they be blessed for whom He is benevolent.
And forgiveness is almost extinct. Your thoughts find a common chord i'm sure in all our hearts.

Different Pen said...

Your comments also always welcomed, my dear Aruni! Especially as they always give me new perspectives.