Wednesday, June 21, 2006

declaration of the reverse

Summer solstice, midsummer, the peak of the year. I hate peaks. From here on, downhill.

But I will reverse the flow of the year, I will fight my way upwards. Why should I be tied helplessly to the course of the winds and the tides of the human soul?


Prince K. said...
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Prince K. said...

No prob...

Are you depressed?
Don't be... you will end up being
like me...
Ahem, in any case, the spider is tiny, and he sort of likes flies half his size...
He also eats up small cockroaches....
I HATE Cockroaches.....
THAT is why I like Spiders and Lizards...
How long was your day yesteday?
Here in Cal, it was sunrise at app. 0453 hrs and sunset at 1824 hrs {Erm... 4:53 A.M and 6:24 P.M respectively, forgive me...}