Monday, August 13, 2007

not in motion

The door opens.
The edges meet.
Step through and you find yourself lost.
Stay where you are and you go nowhere.

Wayfinder Hasturi
a.k.a. The Mad Perseid
AFC 217

I'm going nowhere but I don't see any doors.


annie said...

I didn't get this one at all!!

Aruni RC said...

No doors? Then start asking about them.

Keep asking, PP... I guess we all have the 'this is taking me nowhere' moments.

Prince K. said...

I get that a lot when I see Andromeda's startings. {This was "Totalled Recall" if I remember it correctly.}

Somewhere along the way, I think I am The Mad Perseid travelling into Tarn Vedra.

The doors open themselves when you come near them. You just don't see the hinges.
Paradine technology is good! {Hehe}

Prince K. said...

I overdid Andromeda references, didn't I?

Aruni RC said...

It takes an instant or an age to get the nowhere into a somewhere. Depends....