Saturday, March 15, 2008

party mood(iness)

On my way to a friend's wedding. I hate weddings. I hate all parties.

I'm the kind of person who, in the middle of getting dressed and putting on make-up, curls up in a corner and cries until the mascara is all over her face. Who suddenly hates her new dress and wishes fervently for a pair of worn jeans. Who swears under her breath all the way to the party and is tempted to just sneak into a pub on the way and hide until it's all over.

Once I get to the party, I can usually enjoy it. Or if not, at least sneer at it.


Lucid Darkness said...

I dislike social occassions. But that's probably because I lack all social graces, or even the grace to hold myself together.

Hope you got to the wedding.

Prince K. said...

We are all peripheral party pensioners, PP.

Aruni RC said...

I feel an insane desire to smash the nearest confectionery masterpiece onto the absurdly dignified faces nearest me. Not to forget, equally strong urges to gobble and belch.

I don't though. Too scared I suppose.

Is social discomfort a sign of lunacy?