Wednesday, September 30, 2009

girl talk

My 9-year old niece, already an expert on romantic relationships (recently broke up with a boyfriend as she felt he was not committed enough), sneers at me when I suggest I too might know a thing or two about men. "Really?" she says sceptically and proceeds to test me:

Niece: So, what do all men have that women don't, in the front?
Me: Eh... a... (feebly trying to avoid the obvious answer and wildly think of another possible one) ... an adam's apple!
Niece (in triumph): So you don't know!
Me (defensively): It's the correct answer!
Niece (in a patronizing voice): No. The correct answer is: Chest hair!


Prince K. said...

PP! You are still alive!!
Alright, so I haven't been alive for some time, so 'tis my fault, but it's good to see old blogger-friends still alive when I return to this platform after months.
And.. can I reblog this?

Different Pen said...

Always happy to see you back!! And I could never say no to you.

Lucid Darkness said...

This is hilarious. Period. No puns intended.