Monday, February 14, 2011

the accidental Valentine

After an ongoing email discussion with a man we finally managed to find a time to meet for coffee. He had noticed me in the Little Shop of Harmony. I hadn't noticed him and didn't even know what he looked like but doubtfully agreed to this coffee date. It took some emailing back and forth for over a week before we managed to make time in our busy schedules.

The day we were to meet, I realised, too late, that it was Valentine's Day. Oh the irony. It's been ages since I was on a date. It's been ages since I feigned any interest in Valentine's Day as I never liked the concept anyway.

Then I realised that the piece of paper that I had hastily scrawled his phone number on was a pink little romantic note. I hate pink romantic stuff of the girlie kind.

I pictured a balding, fat little man who couldn't keep up his end of a conversation. I found a tall, athletic man who was not only a physiotherapist but a reservist in the army and who could discuss academic subjects as well as personal and difficult ones (after the initial talk about getting dodgy petrol from a local petrol station). He didn't only share my interest in volleyball but also had exciting travel stories to tell.

In fact, he seemed a bit too good to be true. I felt suspicious. What if he was making half of his stories up? Who runs endurance classes in the army and gets job offers in Canada?

But I had my Valentine's Day date anyway, in one of my favourite cafés. Quite by accident.


Aruni RC said...

Even though its a jaded commercialized thingy (quoth the sceptics) a V-day date remains special.
Went out this time with an old friend because neither of us had anything better to do. Got spotted and the usual rumor mills started to roll.
Yes, it's pretty much the usual stuff. :)

Different Pen said...

Well I guess in the end life would be more boring without these special occasions and their consequences! I remember another V-day hiding from a guy who was trying to give me flowers...