Friday, January 25, 2013

rooibos and the enchanted forest

Cosy on my sofa with a cup of steaming rooibos and some melted icecream. A candle nearby. Outside is the black January night - a lot of darkness but with a string of tiny lights around the bay and a special blend of dark beauty.

With me on the sofa are my new friends, Pinterest and Tumblr.

Can't say I really understand these two, they seem rather chaotic. But once I get lost in the jungle of pretty pictures - oh God.

I knew there is a lot of beauty in the world, but all this? Unbelievably incredibly unfathomable incomprehensibly inconceivably unimaginable beauty. All these places I never knew existed! All these wonderful things to experience! I get inspired to travel, eat, create and just generally  love life. I get a little insane.

Just one example:

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