Wednesday, June 19, 2013

won't let the sun go down on me

Finland is gearing up for one of its biggest holidays (second only to Christmas) -  Midsummer.  Only a short holiday, really just a three-day weekend, but it encompasses all of the Finnish people's love for summer. A short and sweet summer that has to fulfill all its promises. These days, the sun never goes down, so the Finns don't either.

In the office, people are impatient and restless, sights already set on Thursday afternoon, when the office door will slam shut behind us as we take off. The ritual is the same for most of us: we will be stuffing our cars or boats full of food to be barbecued, alcohol to be drunk, children, spouses, dogs and/or friends, and then leaving the city for summer cottages, beaches and camp grounds.

We ignore the possibility of our barbecues and boat trips being ruined by rain or mosquito invasions. We know that dozens of people will drown or be hit by drunk drivers this weekend, but never believe it will be us. In our plans for the weekend, the sun always shines, children are happy and the steaks are grilled to perfection.

Midsummer madness, this year aggravated by a super moon, here we come.

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