Saturday, May 11, 2019

cloud lake found

Walking in the forest - tiny emeralds on every branch, birdsong, the soothing whisper of ancient trees. I'm breathing in silver air.

The lake, pale and smooth, has clouds in it and above it. I have found it, after half a lifetime. I sit down, hug my knees and stare into the past and the future. The haunting call of a loon echoes between tree-lined shores. A boy is fishing and a man has lit a fire on the shore. Woodsmoke, a hint of summer parties to come. Dogs are playing, people are smiling at strangers. But I could walk in this forest for hours and be all alone, all at peace.

Paths are promises of adventures. I will return to breathe more silver air.


Aruni RC said...

I usually read your blog after may moons apart. And then maybe 4-5 posts are devoured in quick succession. It always makes me feel more at peace, and also awakens some restless yearning spirit that wants to travel through dark forests and see mysterious lakes. And realize even after decades, childhood dreams of adventure are just a few thoughts away.

Different Pen said...

That may be the most touching thing anyone has ever said about my writing. I can't tell you how much that warms my heart!