Sunday, January 03, 2016

2015: the year of greyness, white paint and one red motorcycle

* Began the year with that rare feeling of true happiness. Fireworks in the sky above me, exciting new friends around me (new as in made that evening), sparklers in one hand, champagne in the other, no need to worry about a thing.
* New Year's Day, and already my car had to be towed to the repair shop.
* Saw my armpit on an ultrasound.
* Published prison fire pictures and subtitled the President's speech.
* Founded a sports club that can make balls stick to a ceiling.
* Enterprising thoughts all year.
* Debut as a TV translator. Also added Danish and Tamil to my list of work languages.
* Ice-skating in my summer paradise.
* Discussed God among beautiful Irish Cobs while getting drenched in winter rain.
* Birthday party with pavlova and hot whiskey.
* Nightly road trip with someone else's three sleepy toddlers.
* Straight perm of afro hair, which involved me, my sister, latex gloves and an instagramming teenager.

* Professional photo shoot (as model) and world championship volleyball game (as enthusiastic supporter) on the same day.
* Cold and quiet summer and two months of holiday with white paint and strawberry liqueur. Painted everything white.
* Midsummer with the Midsummer People and more kids than I knew existed.
* Walked through mud to study 75 000 ultra-conservative Christians. I was the only one wearing ear-rings.
* Gave my Mum a haircut while inebriated.
* Weirdest date ever planned by me: a visit to a cat shelter, followed by an afternoon at an American football game. Hot sun and cold Pepsi.
* Encounter of the third kind with a mouse and a weasel early one morning.
* Drove a Porsche wild with a scandalous man.
* Weekend in the forgotten city of Jyväskylä with friends, sun and beachvolley.
* Metal detector search for wedding bands and my uncle's pacemaker.
* Returned to the clothing industry and spent three days a week between a butcher's block and a Buddha of baby hippo size.
* Loveliest day of the year started with sibling breakfast and culminated in sunny hours on a deserted island.
* Too much TV.
* Internal conflict between my shoulders and knees.
* Joined the third book club of my life.
* Trip on a red Ducati to have pastry with a priest.
* Looked for an exorcist and had pizza with a suicidal wife-beater.
* Theatre with a doctor and a curious incident of a dog.
* Tried one of those cars that parallel park themselves.
* November picnic with mother's peach pie.
* Escorted a heavy Turkish lorry and led it astray.
* Girls' weekend on the sinful streets (and canals) of Amsterdam. Sex, drugs and wild parrots, all viewed from a safe distance.
* Turned down a job I dreamed about two years ago, in favour of freedom.
* New Year's Eve with good friends, whom I then dumped to go and drink beer and watch fireworks with a man.

* What paid my bills all year: subtitling a talkshow, the President's speech and obscure 80's song lyrics. Monday became the new Saturday.
* Wine evenings with the nastiest girls in town, falling asleep to each other's snores.
* The year of refugees everywhere and a feeling of insecurity.
* New phone, new laptop, new TV service - too little time to think.
* A life made up of a billion small tasks.

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