Thursday, May 03, 2007

i desire strawberries and a chef

Hotel kitchens are sexy.

It's a place where you step into a hot smell of spice and the even hotter stare from macho chefs. A real feminist would have a fit of righteous fury over the lewd remarks that chefs are experts at delivering to any unsuspecting female straying into their male-dominant territory.

But alas, I'm too in love with men to be a successful feminist. It's a game. I'm locked in a cage with a bunch of playful and handsome tigers and I have to be strong, smart and beautiful to survive. If I win the game, a chef will prepare a gorgeous feast just for me, with strawberries for dessert and a promise of more.

A strong, smart, beautiful man who can cook for you. It's enough to make even a feminist swoon.

To my eternal disappointment, this particular hotel kitchen is empty. A surly woman functions as a part-time cook and she is no fun at all.

I still hang out in the kitchen a lot. Listening for the echoes of happier times when food was hot, flirty, dangerous, exhilarating. Waiting and hoping for a genuine chef to arrive.


Amandeep Singh said...

May the REAL chef Arrive sooon.....and bring the strawberries along.:)

Prince K. said...

Ha. Maybe. I am [some-dratted-times] what is referred to as a Male Chauvinistic Pig. {Truth to be said two older female friends have told me that. Once per friend... anyway...}

Although it came quite as a shock to me when I discovered {A long long time ago...} that the best cooks were males.
You should've seen me go: "What?!"
It was an insanely irradiant expression.

Ah. We are straying from the topic aren't we?

And, I thought even feminists needed men. Bah.

Why aren't there masculinists?
Because we boys cannot survive without a woman in our lives.

At least I cannot.

Remind me of a particular dream when I have bloggers' block, will you PP? This is somewhat related to the above line...

Erhm, well. At least the new chef would be better. Hope so.
For me, I am better off watching females from a distance, my photochromes just covering my eyes as I look at them.
"Birdwatching", as they claim.
{Although the "birdwatching" in my profile is actually the 'watching' of our feathered biped friends...}


AH!! Welcome back dear PP!!
Missed you for quite some time.

Yes. Well. Thank you... it was a... deliberate poem. {Oh, yes. All poems are deliberate. But this was special. In a way.}

Haha. Well put. No one has ever done anything meaningful by being sane...
At least, not that I know of.

H'm... yes. Maybe. I am calmer now.

Thank you, PP. It was nice of you...


And do forgive me for this extremely long comment...
Had a LOT to say after a few days' gap!