The holidaymakers with their kids, dogs and suntans are flooding in. The workers and businessmen who have spent weeks and months in the quiet of the hotel over the winter, smoking and reading the papers and ordering their steak and beer in the evenings, grumbling pack up and leave.
Some of them stay. A few of them I never see but the computer tells me they are there somewhere, in some obscure room in a faraway derelict building. The young ex-convict, a few hardworking builders who diligently leave early in the mornings and return for an early night, a few others.
Late at night I walk through the overgrown jungle that used to be a garden on my way to lock up the sauna building for the night. A roaring fire is lit in an old fireplace at the other side, behind the trees, and an old man with snow-white hair and beard is sitting there quietly staring into the flames. It is a peaceful sight. He is there almost every night. His days he spends cleaning the hundreds of windows of the hotel, a task to which he seems to dedicate his heart.
Except for his threadbare clothes, he looks like Santa Claus. Maybe he is.
Maybe he is Santa. I'll definitly keep that in mind, PP, next time I see some ragged roadside sage.
Life for you is . . . like a poem about a piano sonata.
Yeah, I am into making strange comments. Somehow the very 'everydayness' of the post appeals to me.
Do pardon my late reactions to comments. Splash?...I'm also hoping that I don't sink without a trace after the gloop... And bystanders might get wet.
or you could just get a flash light
Ah.. I hate it when the peace is destroyed by menacing humans!
{Alright... did I sound a little like an alien invader?}
We all need something to dedicate ourselves to, don't we?
We write. Here. Somehow manage it. But then, I do dedicate my heart to it. It's a blessing, the blogosphere is.
Human nature? Human?! Ha! We aren't mere mortal humans! We are Bloggers! We , who move humanity forward with our words and destroy governments with our keyboards? We are... uh.. um. What was I saying?
Oh, and sorry for the absentness. School has started..
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