Wednesday, August 01, 2007

not much of anything

The storm came too soon, before I had time to lay down in the grass. Not even a pretty storm. Just rain, rain, rain. So I sulk indoors.

Even my computer is betraying me. He turns himself off when he feels I've had enough of surfing or DVD-watching.

A man I don't even like much has decided he and I were meant to be together forever. So I keep switching my phone off to avoid calls. While I'm pining for someone I can't have.

Still, the rain has to stop sometime. There is a cup of comfort coffee waiting for me somewhere. And the library is full of books yet to be read.


Prince K. said...

Hah. That's funny... I consider my computer to be female. Err... hm.

Well... tell him point blank what you just told us! {That's what I do to most people. But then, you are a different person.}

The rain should NOT stop sometime. That way I get to enjoy Darjeelings all through the day. That way I get to read good books too.

annie said...

Oh so u consider ur computer as a male:)

Different Pen said...

Of course the computer is male! The insufferable logic and the copious amount of whinging whenever he thinks he is coming down with a little virus.

And the fact that I can't live without him. As I've told you before, I am a devoted admirer of men.

As for that other male, the one I can definitely live without, I did tell him point blank. Didn't help...