Sunday, June 29, 2008

jumbled riddles

Iron pills, Sunday blues, looking for love, so many people everywhere, microphone, desperately trying to create a cosmos out of my chaos, I want you to take care of me, pesto on bread, a friend's comfort, other people's dreams, African men in a dodgy car, grow up already, a kind word says more than a thousand pictures, no strength to write anything but lists.

Goodbye, weekend in June. If there is a saint named after me, let's celebrate her today.


Lucid Darkness said...

If you could find comfort in monotony then that'll be something.

Goodbye June!

Aruni RC said...

A jumble-sale of riddles, this.
And yes, there is a saint named after you (or the other way round) only it's a he though. When's St. Peter's day now? (I hope I'm correct about the naming business though, making a wild, wild guess from 'petrograd')
Here's to kind words and kinder pictures and strength to write much more than lists.