Strike the bell and bide the danger,
Or wonder, till it drives you mad,
What would have followed if you had."
I trespassed today. It was meant to be. I cycled to the end of a lonely road, past a rooster and three fishermen, and found myself by a fence surrounding an old abandoned factory. Conveniently, there was a hole in the fence.
There were huge buildings on the factory premises. Now, extremely large and weird constructions, like towers, radio masts and silos, that sit in the middle of nowhere, are spooky. There are few things that unnerve me as inexplicably as wandering through the woods, for example, and suddenly finding myself at the foot of a tall radio mast that hums eerily and seems completely alien. These strange buildings had the same effect on me. There was something that looked like a brick fortress with unexpected ladders leading up to tower windows that had been broken eons ago. Other constructions like great halls, covered in warnings about explosive substances. Suddenly, about a million birds hanging out on the roof came swooping down and almost freaked me out.
But to prove to them that I wasn't scared, I went closer.
And I found an open door. I took one look inside and backed away. There was one thing only in there - darkness. The kind of darkness that sucks everything into itself and lets nothing back out.
I was lucky to escape. And I succeeded where everyone else has failed. Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby present to you the first picture ever of a black hole.

Seeing that you've been there and back again, I have a question.
Could you hear the air being sucked in along with all the light? :)
PS: That's one neat picture! And lovely descriptions.
Thanks! No, I couldn't hear it because the sound got sucked in too. ;)
amazing picture, and I liked the quote. The Magician's Nephew, is it not?
Incidentally, since the sond waves were getting sucked in, what about the light that enabled you to take the pic?!
i had a similar experience bumping into a ghetto in brooklyn. it's eerie and bizarre.
in case ur wondering, i'm aruni's friend just dropping by your blog. :D it's enjoyable
Ooh. And you defied space-time continuum and found this! All those astronomers and astrophysicists will be proud!
{And so will those writers who hinted at this and could never proclaim their understanding. ;D}
>clezevra: Yes, The Magician's Nephew, a favourite of mine also because of that forest between the worlds - another phenomenon I once found in the real world! Oh, about the light getting sucked in - I just have a really great camera! ;)
> tanmoy das lala: Welcome and thanks for dropping by! Glad you survived your black hole too.
> Prince: I knew my discovery would interest you. I'm counting on you to explain this freak of nature.
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