Thursday, November 10, 2011

darling books: one I'm falling for

"I don't know."
We pass through the rear courtyard of the art museum, the one separating it from Dod. There are footprints here, back and forth in zigzags.
"You know what Charlie told me?" he says, staring at the marks in the snow. 
"If you fire a gun, the bullet falls as fast as if you'd dropped it."
This sounds like something I learned in introductory physics.
"You can never outrun gravity," Paul says. "No matter how fast you go, you're still falling like a rock. It makes you wonder if horizontal motion is an illusion. If we move just to convince ourselves we're not falling."

One of my favourite novels, for its combination of ancient mysteries, life-loving university atmosphere and something else: The Rule of Four by Caldwell & Thomason. Makes me want to go to Princeton, stay up all night studying and fall in love.

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