Friday, March 27, 2015

cyan and Indra's daughter

If you stare too long at a screen, the screen stares back at you.

Didn't Nietzsche say that? Why do I always seem to quote Nietzsche anyway (or is it the same quote over and over?), he wasn't that great from what I very imperfectly recall?

I've been staring at a screen forever,
drunk strawberry tea and chocolate tea and chamomile tea and not enough coffee,
shivered in many-layered scarves,
read my old history textbook from high school and scoffed,
savoured the colour of cyan,
involuntarily learned some politics,
donated blood,
felt happy,
felt bitter and anxious,
prayed for the life of a baby,
understood the pity of Indra's daughter,
bought two bottles of wine although my knees were almost too weak to carry both me and them.

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