Tuesday, March 10, 2015

things I suck at

* Maths, or anything that involves numbers. Except counting money. I'm really good at counting money.
* Planning. Hate it and never stick to the plan anyway.
* Cooking. It bores me, and nothing beats a delicious sandwich or cold pizza slice anyway.
* Diving, snorkling or anything that involves putting my head under water (showers excluded). Won't do it.
* Calling my friends. I'm no good with phones in general. Face-to-face or some form of text-based communication only for me, and I'm not the best at staying in touch.
* Ambition and getting stuff done, go-getting. I'm more of a careful observer and inch forward step by cautious step.
* Conflicts. Scary. Although I'm getting better at speaking up.
* Cars. If my car is making a funny noise I deal with it by turning the radio up.
* Cold weather. Like a reptile, I go limp.
* Dating. Beneath a charming surface, I'm fickle and difficult.
* Being open and approachable. I hide.
* Growing up.

1 comment:

Aruni RC said...

That is a list everyone wants to make. There's a bit of this in every one of us, usually buried and hidden deep.