Saturday, October 01, 2005

how do you live your first day alone?

How do you live your first day alone?

Well, you could do the Swedish-to-English translations you've been putting off for so long. You can stare at the yellowing leaves outside your window and wonder what he is thinking of right now. You can go through the "flats for rent"-ads again and try to calculate whether you can afford a tiny place with a balcony. You can fret about what you could have said and whether there is love in your busy soul...

You can look at the piano. Only look. That's what you've been doing for so long, anyway. You can try to remember the reason you left magical Ireland to come back to a country where the first snow is expected in only a few weeks' time.

You can start working on your new life, sweetie. You can set up an account in cyberspace and hope the other lonely souls out there read this.

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