Tuesday, August 29, 2006

a normal, quasi-existential blog entry

After so many weird, angsty, quasi-existential blog entries lately, better clarify what's going on here in PianoPoet world.

I'm looking for the meaning of life.

They say it's all a waste of time. They say nobody has ever found it or even come close. I disagree. I strongly believe it exists and I even believe in a God who is in control and will show it to me if I'm willing to see it.

Of the meaning of my life, he only shows me one day at a time though. Guess he thinks I couldn't handle any more. Guess he's right.

Better clarify one more thing. I am quite sane. No, really! I get up in the mornings, get showered and dressed like normal people, ask my friends how they are, laugh at jokes, eat too many sweets, control my alcohol intake, read good books, frown at the news, sleep at night even though I do dream of angels (and demons) sometimes. I live life, because it's here.

And even in the darkest of dark, I feel a strange joy somewhere deep inside. I cry myself to peace.

See? After so many weird, angsty, quasi-existential blog entries, here's a weird, existential, quasi-angsty one! Told you I'm normal.


Prince K. said...

Ah, weird, as usual....

Keep up the Good Weird {to be read as "WORK"}

Lemme clarify one thing too...

I am, quite insane....

I believe everyone is...

Sort of...



Read on...





Different Pen said...

Courage! if you are insane you fit well into my world.