Friday, September 15, 2006

a scream from behind curtains drawn

The real world. Does it actually exist?

If I curl up in the darkness in the safety of my bed, if the only one I talk to is my computer, if I pretend to work when I'm actually wasting my life trying to think up excuses not to, if I'm not as happy as everyone thinks, if I'm too scared to tell you how I really feel, if I hate myself, if I drink too much, if I can't see a way out, if I'm ugly and old and unlovable... will you still love me?


Aruni RC said...

I shall.

Aruni RC said...

So shall we all bloggers.

If your spirit still shines, through all the grime that this existence may cause, then that is a Light to cherish. And it'll never go out.

Hope. There is always hope, even in face of the darkest doom. And we shall hope with you.

Different Pen said...

Thank you!