Monday, February 19, 2007

feminist skies tonight

Venus and the crescent Moon together in the sky. Two symbols of womanhood.

Perhaps I have just been reading too much feminist literature. Fretting over the injustices of the world in general towards women. The burden weighing more heavily still on my frail shoulders.

Be beautiful (read: skinny), be sexy and available and show a lot of skin, be not-too-smart, behave as females have been expected to behave the last couple of millennia. Raise your daughters to be cautious, wary, conformist, insecure, enemies of their own body and feelings. Make sure they feel worthless if they do not conform to all of the above.

On the other hand, the sign in the sky tonight may just be telling me to move to Turkey.


Aruni RC said...

Like a weary pilgrim, I am visiting the blogs again after an inconspicuous absence.

U might wan't to read Orhan Pamuk. Here's to feminism...

Prince K. said...

I know. They are quite beautiful.
Perhaps you've been skywatching too much {hehe!}.
Turkey is a nice country. Only, the feminism there is, well...

Different Pen said...

Your absence was not so inconspicuous, dear Aruni, you have been missed! Yes, Pamuk, is somewhere on my reading list, should get to him soon...

Prince: The same thought struck me about Turkey and feminism. Well, maybe I'm needed there!

Prince K. said...

A sole heroine going to far lands to conquer!

Aruni RC said...

And if a prince should come galloping by to lend his aid . . .