Monday, February 05, 2007

that weird goodness

Contrary to popular belief, good people do exist. I am forced to believe the testimony of my own eyes and ears.

I am an optimist and have always believed that there is goodness in all of us. Experience, on the other hand, has shown me that selfishness or indifference wins the battle in most of us. We are too weak to be good.

Christianity says God can be strong in our weakness. Lovely thought, but reality is different, right? Even an optimist has to be a realist.

But there they are, impossible to ignore. The genuine. People who are not afraid to admit their faults but do not crave sympathy. With my sharp eye for falseness, I pick out their weaknesses and look for any signs of pretense. People who are tired from the daily battles but who push their problems aside for a moment to give full attention to my needs. Who draw on a mysterious strength to give me what I ask for, and sometimes what I am too scared or proud or stupid to ask for. Who knock out my defenses with that smile, the authentic, caring, wise smile.

Even an optimist can be a cynic. That smile will wear itself out, I think, just try to keep it up for a while and see it fade. Only for some people it does not. Day after day, year after year, they keep caring, giving, helping, loving. Sometimes they cry from exhaustion. Sometimes they voice their doubts and despair. But the next day they stand there again, hands outstretched, smiling.

I am speechless with astonishment. It is not possible, not in this world. A mere human cannot do this and I never believed in superhumans.

All of these people that I have dared to ask, say the same thing. God. Not a mysterious force, no rituals, just God as a person, giving freely, just a prayer away. Just demanding your entire life in return. But what a life. What a freedom, being who you really are.


Prince K. said...

Yes. Well. It is weird. I can't emulate them. They are our saviours, in their own special small way.
I say thus:
Truth spews forth from this post, like pure water from a fountain.

Different Pen said...

Flattery will get you EVERYWHERE, dear Prince!

Isn't it the Jewish faith that says there are at any given time in history 36 holy people in the world? Most of them seem to have ended up in my cold corner of the world somehow. Can't think of a reason.

Prince K. said...

Erm... What flattery?
I am sorry, I did not understand... boohoo...