Friday, March 28, 2008

mix this

The sun in my eyes, dust in my lungs, snow on my boots. A desert storm, a blizzard, hot sunshine. Despair, hope, fresh thoughts, love. Welcome, spring of 2008.


Aruni RC said...

Desert storm and blizzard, all at once? refreshingly contrasting - though i wonder which one is internal. Surely, the variety in your spring will enrich your thoughts even more.
Still trying to avoid the spoor. Given up on the scat.

Prince K. said...

And opposites. Spring, though, I have never experienced. It just passes away without even an "Spring Arriveth" post from me.

Freshness. That's what it takes. Heh.

Lucid Darkness said...

I'd wish you a glass of warm milk for the cold and lots and lots of hope tainted with as little of despair as possible.