Wednesday, March 30, 2011

lost treasure on YouTube

You know the feeling when something moves you deeply? So deeply that you feel the after-effects for days, or weeks, or months?

Sometimes that something isn't even impressive, like climbing a mountain or having someone finally say to you, "I love you". It could be something banal.

Like a YouTube-clip. I came across one a few months ago, just one of those commonplace ones where someone had put together clips from their favourite TV show and set it to their favourite music. But the music was really great - swelling, epic, melancholy. The kind that makes you think that if your own life was accompanied by a soundtrack like that, your life would be meaningful and epic and moving too. And the clips were from a show I knew and liked, one of those where people did heroic deeds and encountered tragedy and disaster and witnessed marvellous things and saved the world every now and then.

Something made me think of this video today. I remember back then, when I first found it, I watched it over and over again and bookmarked it on my computer (my old one, which now is broken). Then I forgot about it. Now I want to see it again. But of course I can't remember where I found it, or the name of the TV show or the music, or anything about it. Except how it made me feel.

So what search words do you use on YouTube in this case? 'Great music'? 'Heroic deeds'? 'That awesome show'?

I tell you, computer technology is still pretty useless. Or is it my life?


Aruni RC said...

And magically you have captured the essence of it all - if our own lives were to have such a background score to accompany it could have been worth something. anything.
melancholia ahoy!

Different Pen said...

Yes, it's not fair. I'm sure I could manage a few heroic deeds myself if I only had a soundtrack constantly in the background.

(Maybe I should get that iPod after all?)