Wednesday, March 07, 2012

the Sisterhood of M

Three friends glued together for life thanks to a spacious city-centre flat with uninspiring rooftop views, a welcome-all attitude and a quirky wig-making landlady. University and a lively, strange city and a beautiful river within walking distance.

An intellectual one with a sharp mind, a logical leadership style, social skills edged with straight-forwardness, and a tendency towards anxiety. A romantic charmer with boundless exuberance, vulnerable openness, a taste for traditions and an urge to make friends with everyone and explore absolutely everything. And then the third one who is not in this picture, the rather confused one in the middle who envied them both and loved them both and learned to live thanks to them both. Strangely, she was the only one who was never homesick. That one was me.

1 comment:

Aruni RC said...

the light of other days :)