Sunday, September 07, 2014

commerce under the rowan tree

A friend, and a  pop-up flea-market  in one of the more picturesque parts of town.

I was more fascinated with the architecture and the fact that normally reticent Finns always seem to become so friendly and chatty on occasions like this. But yes, I bought a Russian dictionary and feasted on homemade chocolate cake in the shade of a rowan tree.
There was also time to contemplate life in the company of some excellent spring rolls in a corner of the busy market square.

We sold the Russian dictionary onward ( over the phone ) before we had even paid for it.

"Walk one metre ahead of me at all times! One metre! One metre!"
"Is the dog for sale?"
"You are not allowed to strangle me."
"That is rather manipulative."
"That's some nice crockery you're selling there. - Yes, but I wouldn't buy it myself."

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