Friday, October 31, 2014

in the presence of Lincoln

Dressed in velvet and boots, surrounded by books. This feels right.
I'm in the library, hiding in the local history section with my laptop. A bust of Lincoln is watching over me. He freed the slaves and I'm feeling pretty free at the moment so it's fitting. I love this library: full of nooks and crannies and chairs to sink down into and lose yourself in a book. Every section looks different and unexpected treasures await everywhere.

There is a comforting movement of people around me but nothing that really disturbs the peace.

Googling Lincoln, I come across an appropriate quote by him: "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be." I include this in my blog entry. My smugness is then ruined when I find that other famous quote: 

"The problem with internet quotes is that you can't always depend on their accuracy." (Abraham Lincoln, 1864)

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