Monday, October 13, 2014

next to not normal

Surreal elements  in my life:

* A single tulip bulb sitting in my kitchen. I'm late for my participation in the International Tulip Guerilla Gardening Day, hoping I still have a few weeks before the soil freezes.

* A friend who has a crush on a friend who has a crush on me. I don't have a crush. This is going to end in tears.

* A freezer filled with Ben & Jerry's icecream. Like an impossible dream, but true. (Will come in handy for the tearful end, see above.) Squeezed in among the icecream is also one entire kilogram of blueberries.

* A great tit staring at me through the window.

* A newly discovered smoothie addiction.

* The supernatural experience of hearing the same Whitney Houston song (one of the more obscure ones) twice in two days, one of which was in a concert. Is it a sign? Of what?

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