Thursday, September 28, 2006

dearly beloved aliens

This little corner of Finland sometimes seems very bleak. People look the same, talk the same, think the same. I know them all without ever having spoken to them. I suppose this is what moving back to your home town means.

Sometimes it's a comfort. Other times, it's just depressing.

But today I was welcomed in the home of a spicy South American family. They gave me coffee and warmth on a chilly autumn evening and took out the guitar. A gang of African students burst in and filled the flat with chatter and sudden laughter. A pale-faced Finn in a corner of the sofa gave me a wry smile - suddenly we were the strangers, quiet and posed and shyly friendly, making conversation in carefully pronounced English, exotic.

Colour, spice, loud joy. Suddenly, in the middle of my quiet town, I was back in the big, scary, fascinating world again. Trying to communicate with weird accents, struggling to understand a thoroughly alien point of view, attempting to assimilate cultural aspects I didn't even know existed. How I have missed this!

Weirdly, for the first time in ages, I felt at home.


Prince K. said...

We are at home in the world...
We just need people we can identify with...
WE can never be strangers...

Ah, now my question...
Your answer was 42
The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything??

But then how would a human, with a life span of about 75 years wait for 7.5 million years??

My question was why would a human want to survive?

Nothing special is up...
Except that I am depressed again {A passing feeling...}

Different Pen said...

Yes, depressed. Very familiar with this condition... Let's hope it passes quickly this time for both of us!