Jumping, in volleyball, is really flying. At least when you put your heart and every little one of your muscles into it and forget about everything except hitting that ball. Feels like being up there in the air forever.
And then you land on your team mate's foot and you try not to land at all but inevitably feel your ankle twist. And hurt.
Happened to me yesterday, and now I hobble around with a cane as my new best friend. But people are giving me sympathy and chocolates and I get to lie on the couch and read books.
Oh I hope you don't get too bored when you're resting. AND SPEEDY RECOVERY!
Being a connoisseur of ankle injuries, I can tell you that it'll hurt. So curl up with some good books, listen to music you like and gorge on all the free chocolate!
Get well soon. :)
Poor you. Do get better soon, though the physical incapacity might open new vistas of thought.
The worst injuries were at swimming. I'd stagger out dripping from a pool and some octogenarian member would carefully step on my bare foot with patent leather shoes.
Ouch. Get well soon! Or, as LD says, enjoy the chocolates and books while they last. Tee hee.
Thanks everyone! Feeling better already. Intend to keep cashing in on sympathy for a while longer though...
It does feel rather great, doesn't it? Savour while it lasts!
Might sound like splitting hairs but the charity thing really got on me. It's that prim little look of smugness after the deed that just had to be blogged about. Not that I'm advocating a non-charity policy or something.
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