Wednesday, February 15, 2012

the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed

I have decided to visualize my dreams, even the ridiculous ones and the ones I don't believe in. Because when you do, you sow a seed. And seeds grow whether you believe in them or not.

So in no particular order, the seeds will show up on this blog. In a year or two or ten or forty, hopefully they will have grown into a lush forest of life.


Aruni RC said...

seeds to be tended conscientiously or left to the (often surprisingly fruitful) vagaries of nature?

Different Pen said...

First you just throw them out there. When they start to take root, you see which ones need/deserve a bit of tending.

Different Pen said...

First you just throw them out there. When they start to take root, you see which ones need/deserve a bit of tending.