Tuesday, November 01, 2005

learning the bureaucratic dance

Feel like there's a wall of paper about to collapse on my head... When I was a young, innocent little child I was told that the computer age would get rid of all the paper in the world. Well, I'm still waiting to see that happen.

Spent a whole week filling out forms and trying to get hold of people to sign papers for me. My bureaucratic week. I must have a nightmare kind of life from a bureaucrat's perspective: income somewhat less than steady and from various sources, can't seem to decide what country I want to live in, and having the cheek to ask the government for money.

Ooops - it's beginning to sound like I'm a prostitute... Well, I'm not. Not a drug-dealer either. For your information. I do translations. Work in hotel receptions. Write. Study the world and its wonders over the rim of my coffee mug. And, of course, fill out forms. Can never remember whether to "tick" the box or to mark it with an x.


Prince K. said...

You know paper doesn't physically harm! Plus Papers come in various nightmarish forms....Your Question Paper, Answer sheets , Your Report Card {Technically made from wood pulp} I thought Finland was a nice country {Having as citizens three people I really like : Mika Hakkinen, Kimi Raikonnen {Both drivers for West McLaren Mercedes} and Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux {Though I use Windows XP more}} And yes, you are right they are the same Gods Mars in Roman, Ares in Greek. Thats why its very confusing, the names of stars. Generally Planets are named after Roman Mythlogies and Stars from Greek. Happy Diwali {Even though you are not Hindu!!!}

Prince K. said...

Also you are being spammented, put Word verification or take off anonymous comments!