Tuesday, November 29, 2005

walking away - see ya

That's it. I've had it. Enough. I give up. No, no, I don't give up, I REBEL!

Sick and cranky and can't get any work done. Taking the rest of the day off. Going for a winter walk.

Working from home can be so nice sometimes, and sometimes just hell. Home-made.


Prince K. said...

WHAT????? Working from home is hell??????? And the Sun goes up at 9:00 AM?????? DAMN! Whatsup?

Prince K. said...

And this is the way to give links:
{Open the pointy bracket i.e Shift + ','}li{Close it: Shift + '.'}{Open}a href="http://fealdamar.blogspot.com/"


Different Pen said...

Thanks for the link help, will try it!! Yes, working from home is INCREDIBLY BORING!! Nobody at the next desk to gossip with and go for extra coffee breaks with... *sob*

As for the late dawn, that's one of the joys of living next door to the Arctic...

Prince K. said...

At least its better than being stuck in school..... And then, how cool {pun intended} is it , living in the arctic? I suppose most of the northern portions of your country must have perpetual night? But, you living in Vasa, a coastal city, would not have very low temperature, or would you? Here in Cal, the minimum is 14 degrees.

Different Pen said...

How I long for warm climates... No it usually doesn't get very cold here by the coast, average winter temperature probably 5 degrees below zero. Occcasionally down to minus 20 though! Still prefer the cold to the temperature we are having now, around zero and alternating rain and wet wet snow...

The dark is not very nice either, although in summer it doesn't get dark at all so I guess it evens out. In Calcutta you don't get much variation in the weather, do you?