Monday, May 29, 2006

thoughts on a soft day

I wrap up in an old shawl, make myself a huge cup of coffee and stare through the window at the rain softening the seascape. Walking to the convenience store on the corner, I cover up in a large coat and enjoy the peace of the empty streets. I stop to talk to a friendly golden retriever outside the store and afterwards my hands bear the familiar smell of wet dog.

Most people here hate rain. Rain makes the winter less of a winter and the summer miserable. But to me, rain on a summer's day is gentle, rain whispers to me of the soft days in Ireland. The days when I would curl up in front of the roaring fire in an old country pub and chat to the locals who walked in with mud-covered wellies and accompanied by smelly, wet dogs. My throat would burn with the taste of a hot whiskey and I would be teased about my habit of reading old copies of the Times.

In the store, I buy honey to cure my cold, and loads of citrus fruit. Today is one of my unemployed days, but I don't mind. I have books to read, books to write, things to learn, people to remember, journeys to dream of. Today, I will not worry. Today, I will only live. I will not forget the music.


Prince K. said...

Thou art an optimist.......
In any case, it rained here... nay, it stormed here....
And I'd like to be as independant as you are.... I am still stuck with studies for at least 2+3+5 years.... After that me be free...

Different Pen said...

enjoy the studying... now there's a free life! afterwards come all the boring responsibilities...