Wednesday, October 11, 2006

being hunted through dreamland

I have a recurring dream in which I'm in a car (my dad's), trying to manouver it out of a crowded parking lot or the like, trying not to hit any of the cars around it or trying to avoid rolling into a ditch. For some reason, the brakes are always in a terrible condition (strange, since my dad is very caring of his car) and that recurring moment in my dream is the panic I feel when I desperately try to brake and it's not working.

Definitely to be interpreted as my fear of not being in control and of people realising that I'm not in control.

The last time I had that dream, I suddenly had enough of trying to brake and violently stepped on the accelerator instead, and the car bounded right into the ditch and up on the other side. I woke up feeling better about myself.

My other recurring dream is the one where I'm being chased. I keep running, knowing that it is futile, and sooner or later I always fall, or stumble on the edge of a precipice. The strange thing is, the hunter at my heels always catches me just as I'm falling and thereby saves my life. The weird feeling of being caught and being safe, simultaneously.

I always wake up from this dream longing to be loved, stubbornly and unconditionally, by someone who knows even my weaknesses.


Prince K. said...

My, that is one scary dream.
We are always saved by someone who seems to be our enemy. Its usually your closest friends who ditch you.

Uh, PP, are you in Orkut by any chance?

I've said it already, and I'm saying it again...I love what you've done to your blog.

I really needed some wise words from someone.

Prince K. said...

It actually airs on Friday Nights at 7:00...
but re-aired the next Thursday at 6:00 A.M....
It was amazing...

Me are gonna watch it!

I think I am the end of a season...
Dylan finds out that he is a Paradine.
Trance says that the team is never going to be together...
And Beka starts crying...