Saturday, October 14, 2006

whirlwind has got me

I have never been inside a whirlwind but I know what it's like.

It must be like this, the way my emotions are being tossed around. After a long while, exhaustion wins out and my mood is taking a steep dive that knows no bottom.

Three steps to break the fall: 1) eat, 2) eat chocolate, 3) drink - coffee, or if all else fails, wine.

Hate to admit that last bit because it sounds so alcoholic and I really wouldn't recommend it to anybody else but myself. But it's a fact. A glass of white breaks the back of that obsession with being in control and the panic in realising that I'm not.

I just need a break from myself. I would like to leave the world for a while and then come back and start over.

1 comment:

Aruni RC said...

I can only guess (erroneously, as usual) at the nature of the whirlwind that you are in.

Y'know, lonely people have a keener sight, albeit in a greyer world. I suppose you, like so many others would like a world of constant color, than brief flashes of joy. The greatest folly, I believe, is to think that you are alone in your loneliness. As for the wine, weel, there have been days when I brushed my teeth for half-an-hour so my folks wouldn't throw me out when I presented my face at the front door at some ungodly hour. Gave me respite for some moments, but returned with sudden intensity.