Thursday, March 13, 2014

my life doesn't quite translate

This job is so 2006. If I remember correctly, that was the year I spent at my kitchen table, restless and bored, translating Finnish texts. And now I'm back, much against my will.

Amazing, how quickly and almost completely life changes with a job. I'm not the kind of person whose existence revolves around her job. And yet, I feel like a completely different person today than I was just a week ago. Just because I don't go to the office to gently argue with Chinese suppliers by email anymore.

With a new job, so much is suddenly different. Not just the tasks. A part of your identity, and the way you feel when you tell people where you work. The people you spend 8 hours a day with. Your spending habits. Other habits that change just because you take a different way to work, at a different hour.

My working life has been volatile, and I'm baffled by people who spend decades at the same workplace. I see the allure in it. I also see the horror in it.

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