Wednesday, October 25, 2006

chat and silence

Finnish women tend to chatter. Not incessantly, like some other nationalities. But chatter nevertheless.

Finnish men are typically men of few words. Nothing unnecessary should be uttered if it can be avoided.

Some people claim men and women are very similar, mentally and socially speaking. Not in Finland. This is my latest observation.

I take courses at the local community college, not having much else to do. Languages, computer skills and such. The latest is a course in volunteer friend activity run by the Red Cross and the participants are, predictably, all female. Most of them have no problem with voicing their opinions in class in front of strangers. I have attended other courses where the majority is male, and these classes tend to be very quiet apart from the lecturer who desperately tries to start up discussions. The women, if in minority, seem to wait for the men to speak (this is interesting, in one of the world's most gender-equal nations). They may be waiting forever.

Me? I'm a female, but the shy type. I usually prefer to listen to others talk and squirm in embarrassing silences. The problem with chatty, all-female classes though is that it's often just that - chat. Not much of all the useful knowledge and skills I'm there to learn seem to get through.

Maybe my thirst for knowledge and cost-effectiveness is male?


Aruni RC said...

okay, i've got no objections to chatty finnish females if u are a prime xample. Certainly not!

Different Pen said...

Your comment is the reason I gladly listen to the male opinion...!